First Name *
Middle Name *
Last Name / Surname *
Gender * MaleFemale
Snacks * VegJain
Type of family *Joint FamilyNuclear
Siblings Select an option123
Brother Select an option12345+
Sister Select an option12345+
Hobbies *
Date of birth *
Residential address *
Currently in which school ? *
Previously in which school ? *
Currently studying in Std *
Last report P/F% *
Failed in any class? YesNo
Which ?
Had taken tuitions in previous school? * YesNo
Student previous assessment report Select an optionNairSionKEMOther
IQ score
IQ report YesNo
Relationship to applicant* Select an optionFatherMotherStepfatherStepmotherGrandmotherGrandfatherSisterBrotherUncleAuntOther GuardianLegal GuardianConsultant/Recruiter
Mobile no *
Mobile no. with WhatsApp*
Email *
Relationship to applicant * Select an optionFatherMotherStepfatherStepmotherGrandmotherGrandfatherSisterBrotherUncleAuntOther GuardianLegal GuardianConsultant/Recruiter
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